Doesn't it make sense to capture this fairytale as it should be?

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Photography And Videography

From the first Daguerreotype to instant digital photos, photography has come a long way. Developing from cumbersome films and bulky rolls to fitting within smartphones photography is a field in flux. While digital photos in digital cameras and smartphones reign true, polaroid and film rolls are back on the scene as retro modes of photography. From a technical innovation, photography has become art and an expression of self. The moving picture or videography has with time changed purposes from being a curious technical innovation to widespread way of recording memories and entertainment content. But it remains a subject of constant fascination. From movies to YouTube videos, videography is a constant presence in everyday life.

In a wedding, so many beautiful things come together to create one big happy story that is timeless. Doesn't it make sense to capture this fairytale as it should be?

Photo - Studio Works

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  • Photoshoot - Videography
  • Events Photography
  • Wedding’s and Auspicious Occasions

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Aalokh Photography

The Real Kerala Wedding Planners.